What is dry needling?
Dry needling is incorporated as an adjunct treatment to osteopathic treatment. Dry needling (Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling) uses fine, pre-sterilized disposable needles for the therapy of muscle pain.
How does it differ from acupuncture?
Whilst Myofascial dry needling and acupuncture use the same kind of needles and the needling techniques may overlap, dry needling is based on western anatomical and neuro-physiological concepts and predominantly focuses on the assessment and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. In contrast, acupuncturists are trained in Chinese medicine and have a different approach to health and well-being.
What does it do?
Dry needling can be used to deactivate trigger points, and treat overactive motor points. Dry needling also helps to increase blood flow, which helps treat chronic muscle tension and spasm, delivering oxygen and other nutrients to the affected and painful tissues. It also removes harmful metabolic waste on a cellular level.
From a neuro-physiological point of view, dry needling can also reset motor points, neural control, and stimulate other important reflex mechanisms. It also has a strong effect on pain control by releasing certain neurotransmitters from the brain.